Analog Vs. Digital

There are positives and negatives to using each form of photography, and which is the best fit certainly depends on what you are doing within your work. This blog isn’t to encourage you… Continue reading

Paris Off Print

This event really is a photographers heaven. You get to see so many projects, books and publishers all in one room! I think that really you need to visit Off Print more than… Continue reading

Le Photobook Fest- Paris

Although Paris Photo was cancelled whilst I was in Paris I had some amazing experiences and went to many events that I will never forget. Le Photobook Fest was one of these! Inspired… Continue reading

Paris Photo

I have just returned from Paris, hoping to being going to Paris Photo, of course, due to the current circumstances this event was cancelled so unfortunately I was unable to go. This would… Continue reading

Learn more about 35mm film camera

This image will help you understand whats on a 35mm film camera and where you can find it. This will obviously vary between different makes a models of cameras. However by looking at this… Continue reading

How to load a film camera…

So having this blog is all well and good, but what use is it if you can’t actually recreate the work and styles that you love? I have made a quick and easy video… Continue reading

Justin Quinnell

Photographer Justin Quinnell creates a pinhole camera that can be used inside his mouth! He travelled the world and captured every aspect of his life in this format, he even tried to capture… Continue reading

Pinhole Cameras

Pinhole Cameras A pinhole camera is another form of lensless photography, very similar to a camera obscura expect it is much smaller and in a box, this can be any box as long… Continue reading


There are several different cameras in this range that enable you to do different things, each person probably has a camera b best suited to them! In this blog post I will identify… Continue reading

Cyanotypes & Boris Mikhailov- Blue Hour

Cyanotypes Cyanotype is a printing process that produces a blue print, more specifically a cyan colour, hence the name cyanotype. This process was used well into the 20th century as a cheap option… Continue reading