Paris Photo

I have just returned from Paris, hoping to being going to Paris Photo, of course, due to the current circumstances this event was cancelled so unfortunately I was unable to go. This would of been an amazing experience for anyone interested in photography and the tickets were cheap too, at just €15 for a student and €20 if you aren’t a student. This allowed you access to the event and different speakers for one whole day, definitely worth the money!

This would of been the 20th anniversary of the worlds most celebrated arts fair for photography. There were many things going on at this event such as book signings from very established photographers such as: Elliott Erwitt, Nan Goldin, Martin Parr, Bettina Von Zwehll, Viviane Sassen and many many more.

It is a great shame that this event was cancelled but this was done as a sign of respect as well as safety to the public and everyone that would of been present. Although you couldn’t actually go to the event itself Paris photo have produced a virtual tour of the fair, you can visit this by clicking on the link below.